str-var = SPF_Quote$(data-str)



a string value to be enclosed in quotes


the value of data-str enclosed in quotes

RC will be 0 and Msg$ will be "" (Null).

Special Notes:

The contents of data-str are examined. 

If data-str is already in the format of a string enclosed in properly-matched, valid SPFLite quote characters of any type (either " double quotes, ' single quotes, or ` accent quotes), and data-str does not contain inner quote characters as data values that are the same as the enclosing quote characters, the contents of the data-str expression are returned as-is without modification.

If data-str does not contain any " double quote characters as data characters, the function returns the value of data-str preceded and followed by " double quotes.


If data-str already contains " double quote characters as data characters, but does not contain any ' single quotes as data characters, the function returns the value of data-str preceded and followed by ' single quotes.


If data-str already contains " double quote and ' single quote characters as data characters, but does not contain any ` accent quotes as data characters, the function returns the value of data-str preceded and followed by ` accent quotes.

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