






A number that tells the editor how many positions to shift. If you omit this operand, the default is 2.  


The  <  Data Shift Left line command moves characters on a line to the left without altering their relative spacing. Characters will NOT be shifted past the current BOUNDS setting. If necessary, the number of shifted columns will be reduced.


Note:  See Shifting Data for more information on the exact shifting process used.

To Data Shift one line toward the left side of your display:

    1. Type  <  in the line command area of the line to be shifted. Beside the command, type a number other than 2 if you want to shift the line other than 2 columns. For example, to shift left 4 columns  <4  would be used.

When the n value is omitted, SPFLite uses the the "Default number of columns for data shifts" defined in the General Options dialog. The installation default for this value is 2, for compatibility with IBM ISPF. You can change this to any desired positive value. For example, if you set the value to 4, then when you used the  <  line command with no n value, it would shift 4 columns instead of 2.

It is possible to request the Data Shift commands to use the XTABS value (if specified) for this default.  Refer to Options - General for details.

    1. Press Enter.
    2. The line data is shifted the requested number of positions. The shift is non-destructive. No characters will be dropped at the Bounds locations.

To Data Shift a block of lines toward the left side of your display:

    1. Type  <<  in the line command area of the first line to be shifted. Beside the command, type a number other than 2 if you want to shift the block of lines other than 2 columns. For example, to shift left 4 columns  <<4  would be used.
    2. Type  <<  in the line command area of the last line to be shifted. You can scroll (or use FIND or LOCATE) between typing the first  <<  and the second  <<  if necessary.
    3. Press Enter
    4. The lines that contain the two  <<  commands and all of the lines between them are Data shifted to the left. The shift is non-destructive. No characters will be dropped at the Bounds locations.

The BOUNDS setting limits Data shifting. Data shifting is particularly oriented to programming source. See Shifting Data for more information.

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