Line commands are normally entered into the field on the left of each data line. This field may be referred to as the "line command area" or the "sequence number area".

This field has a default size of six columns, as in ISPF. The size of this field can be adjusted from 5 to 8 columns, to handle special requirements you may have. See Width of Line numbers (5-8) in Options - Screen for more information.

You may enter a line command by one of the following:

    • Type the command in the line command area and press Enter. 

    • Place the cursor in the data or line command field, and press a keyboard key to which the line command is assigned.

    • If you try to type the : colon notation for key mapping of line commands that is utilized in IBM ISPF, it is not directly supported. In prior versions, if you tried it on the command line, you would get an invalid syntax error. For KEYMAP, if you previously mapped Alt-R to just :R, when you use it, it would not repeat a line but would simply report, Unknown command. Recent SPFLite versions will result in a warning popup message advising the user that the command has been automatically converted to the SPFLite compatible equivalent format of {R}.

When you first start typing a command into the line number area, the cursor can be anywhere within the sequence-number field you see. SPFLite will blank-out the entire area and move the cursor to the left side before entering the first character. That way, there will be no leftover line-number characters to worry about when you key in a line command, and you don't have to be that precise about where you start typing it.

The following rules apply to all line commands:

    • You can type several line commands and make multiple data changes before you press Enter. The editor displays an error message if the line command is ambiguous. Because the line commands are processed from top to bottom, it is possible to have one error message appear that masks a later error condition. Only the first error condition found is displayed. After you have corrected that error condition, processing can continue and the next error condition, if any, is displayed. If you type a line command incorrectly, you can replace it before you press Enter by retyping it, blanking it out, or entering RESET on the Command Line.

    • The Top of Data line will only accept the following line commands: 


Insert one or n temporary insert lines after this line.


Insert one or n permanent lines after this line.


Move or copy a line or lines one or n times after this line


Move or copy a line or lines after each nth line of a block


    • The Bottom of Data line will only accept the following command:


Move or copy a line or lines one or n times before the last data line.


Move or copy a line or lines before each nth line of a block

Note:  The notation [n] just means the n value is optional; you don't actually type the [ or ] brackets after the line command.

Many line commands can take advantage of Extended Line Command Modifiers, as described in the next section.

Note:  When a line command is longer than 1 character, the "block mode" name of the command is formed by repeating the last letter. For example, the command UC becomes UCC

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