





The string option is required, and can only be a simple string. (Quoted or unquoted)  i.e. No Picture strings or Regular expression strings. This string will become the complete contents of the inserted text line. Any of the valid quote types may be used for quoted strings.


Specified the line after which the specified string of text is to be inserted as a line. This should be a label reference, either a label name like .ABC or a pseudo-label line number like .123.

Note that a macro-oriented line-pointer reference beginning with an ! is also supported. 


Although this command can be issued from the normal command line, it is primarily intended to be a convenient tool for macros to use when inserting text lines. In a programmable macro, it would be issued using an SPF_Cmd function. You can also map a key to ADD a line.

ADD will insert the specified text string as a new line immediately following the provided line-reference.

Example use of the ADD command

To insert a line containing the string "/*------------------*/" following line 10.

ADD "/*------------------*/"  .10

Suppose you wanted to insert a line containing  "***" wherever the cursor happened to be, whenever you pressed the F9 key. You would go into KEYMAP and enter the following into the "Normal" entry for F9:

ADD '***' .ZCSR

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