

[ ON | OFF | ? ]



The desired AUTOCAPS status


Display the current status of the setting.


AUTOCAPS controls whether the capitalization done by Auto Capitalization Support  is made permanent when the file is saved.  The Auto Capitalization Support  normally is, like colorization support, only temporary and only affects the display of the text on-screen.

But since it is possible to save capitalization to the written file, this option is made available to give you that choice. Note this is only possible if you have HILITE AUTO ON in the File Profile and the .AUTO file actually requests capitalization of defined keywords.


If no operand is entered, the command will 'toggle' the setting between ON and OFF. The resulting setting will be displayed in the confirmation message.

If ON is specified, SPFLite will uppercase all language based keywords as specified by the .AUTO colorization file for this Profile. This feature is dependent on the .AUTO support, since the .AUTO file contains the definition of the language keywords. See Auto Capitalization Support  in the Appendix for more details.

If a valid .AUTO file does not exist, or if HILITE AUTO ON is not also set, then setting AUTOCAPS ON will have no effect.

If OFF is specified, then AUTOCAPS processing is not performed.

The value is stored as part of the PROFILE options which are maintained individually by file type.

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