
KEYMAP   [  LIST  | QUERY string ]



Requests a KEYMAP LIST to be created, formatted, stored in the Windows clipboard, and then a CLIP Edit window is opened in SPFLite, to allow you to view and analyze the current KEYMAP settings for all keys.

 QUERY        Requests a search of currently assigned key definitions for the specified string. This can be used when you 'forget' just where you may have assigned a particular KB command string.

Abbreviations and Aliases

KEYMAP can also be spelled as KEYS, KEY or KBD, LIST can be just L, QUERY can be just Q.



The KEYMAP command requests the display of the SPFLite Keymap dialog. This dialog allows you to completely customize the operation of the keyboard.

You may assign primitive keyboard functions, primary commands and line commands to any desired key or key combination via this dialog. As well, keyboard macros can be created and assigned to keys. A keyboard macro is a sequence of normal key entry operations that will be 'played back' when a key is pressed.

Full details of keyboard setup and customization can be found under "Keyboard Customization and Keyboard Macros".

Full descriptions of available primitive keyboard functions can be found in the Appendix sections: Introduction to Keyboard Primitives, Index to Keyboard Primitives and List of Keyboard Primitives.

Using KEYMAP LIST and QUERY results

In order to help you examine the contents of your LIST or QUERY request, SPFLite will:

    • Collect the information for your request
    • Format it into a text lines
    • Store the text lines in the Windows clipboard
    • A CLIP Edit window is opened in SPFLite to allow you to examine the contents of your data

Because you are in an SPFLite controlled edit screen when this happens, you have available to you all the editing features of SPFLite, including the ability to FIND, SORT, EXCLUDE, and so on. You can create a permanent file by issuing a SAVEAS command, or paste the data into an application outside of SPFLite. The data you see can be changed in any way you like; changing it will not affect SPFLite's KEYMAP system. Only the KEYMAP dialog can do that. So you can safely do anything you wish to this data.

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