

[ line-control-range ]

[ X | NX | ALL]

[ U | NU ]

[ MX | DX ]



The range of lines which are to be processed by the command. Line control ranges provide a powerful tool to customize the range of lines to be processed. The full syntax and allowable operands which make up a line control range are discussed in "Line Control Range Specification". Refer to that section of the documentation for details.

X | NX

Specifies a subset of the line range to be processed. X requests only excluded lines are to be processed, NX requests only non-excluded lines are to be processed. If neither X or NX are specified, all lines in the range will be processed.

U | NU

Specifies a subset of the line range to be processed. U requests only User lines are to be processed, NU requests only non-User lines are to be processed. If neither U or NU are specified, all lines in the range will be processed.


MX requests that all lines which are processed be excluded from the display following command processing. MX = Make excluded


DX requests that lines which are processed, which, if excluded, would normally be made visible, be left in their excluded status. DX = Don't change excluded status        


The lines processed will have all text converted to lower-case.

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