

[ Macro-SET-Name | NONE ]



The name of a SET symbol containing the filename string, or NONE to remove any existing value(s)


Because the MACLIB value can contain one or more full filenames, it would be very difficult to enter the value correctly as an operand on the command line. Therefore the MACLIB command expects only the name of a SET symbol. The full SET symbol name is

To enter the needed SET variable, do the following:

    1. Enter the primary command SET.  SPFLite will open a (SETEdit) session containing any current SET variables.

    1. Add a new line containing, for example:

MACLIB.MYNAME = C:\MyStuff\MyMacros\|C:\Users\Me\Documents\SPFLite\MACROS\

    1. Enter the primary command END. The SET variables will be saved

The MYNAME above is your choice, it must match the Macro-SET-Name you entered on the MACLIB command. The example above adds the normal MACROS folder after the new user folder, but there is no requirement to do so. You may enter any folder(s) you desire.

When entering multiple MACLIB paths, separate them with a "|" character.

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