


NUMBER has no operands


Abbreviations and Aliases


NUMBER can also be spelled as NUMB or NUM



The NUMBER command can be used to verify and (as needed) generate or correct sequence numbers if these are missing, invalid or out of sequence. If a file already contains a complete set of valid sequence numbers, NUMBER will not modify it. The processing performed by NUMBER attempts to modify as little of your file as possible to ensure that each line has a valid sequence number in ascending order.

All numbering commands replace data in existing column positions, with no attempt to save or shift-over your data to make room for these numbers. It is an "overlay operation", not an "insert operation". So, for instance, if you use COBOL numbering, columns 1-6 of every line of your file will be replaced by sequence numbers, regardless of any data that may already be present there. It is your responsibility to alter the contents of your file, if necessary, if that is not the outcome you wanted.

See Working with Sequence Numbering for more information.

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