

[ NONE | 

  ?    |


      start-column end-column  [ TRUNC ] [ REAL ]  |

      COB | STD | IBM | 





Used to nullify NUMTYPE. When NUMTYPE is set to NONE, all numbering commands such as NUMBER, RENUMBER and UNNUMBER are ineffective. If NONE is specified, the remaining operands are not allowed.


Display the current status of the setting.


A required nonzero start-column number where sequence numbers are stored. A sequence field may be from 4 to 8 digits wide. 


A required nonzero end-column number where sequence numbers are stored.


Requests the data line be truncated immediately following the sequence number field.


Requests that the sequence field be set equal to the normal SPFLite line number, rather than some other incrementing number value.




The NUMTYPE command is normally specified using the start-column - end-column syntax. As an aid, NUMTYPE will accept the aliases listed below as shortcuts for common values.


Equivalent to NUMTYPE 1 6


Equivalent to NUMTYPE 73 80


Equivalent to NUMTYPE 73 80 TRUNC

Once a valid NUMTYPEspecification is entered (other then NONE), it is saved in the normal File Profile. The other numbering commands (NUMBER, RENUMBER and UNNUMBER) will then become active and available and will use the specified NUMTYPE values.

All numbering commands replace data in existing column positions, with no attempt to save or shift-over your data to make room for these numbers. It is an "overlay operation", not an "insert operation". So, for instance, if you use COBOL numbering, columns 1-6 of every line of your file will be replaced by sequence numbers, regardless of any data that may already be present there. It is your responsibility to alter the contents of your file, if necessary, if that is not the outcome you wanted.

Right-Hand Sequence Numbers

Although it is hard to picture a normal use for this, the NUMTYPE and Numbering commands support the specification of a sequence number field in relation to the right-hand end of the line. If used with a file record-formet which allows variable length lines, this could result in sequence numbers being created in a 'ragged' right margin effect. If you use this option, you had better be sure you know what you are asking for.

To request Right hand alignment, simply use negative column numbers, where the last position in a line is -1, the 2nd last is -2, and so on. For example, an 8 column sequence field at the right end would be specified as:


Thus, if you had a RECFM=F, LRECL=80 file, the following two NUMTYPE requests would be identical.

NUMTYPE  73 80


See Working with Sequence Numbering for more information.

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