


       UNNUMBER has no operands

Abbreviations and Aliases


UNNUMBER can also be spelled as UNNUMB, UNNUM or UNN



The UNNUMBER command is used to remove existing sequence numbers from your file. Sequence numbers are removed by replacing them with an equal number of spaces. For records shorter than the right-most column of the sequence number field, they are padded with blanks on the right to make their length the same as that right-most column. This is a situation that would usually apply to newly-added or changed records that had no sequence number yet, or had one that was invalid.

If your sequence numbers are at the right side of your data and you UNNUMBER your file, the file will contain trailing blanks where the sequence numbers used to be. If you wish those trailing blanks to be trimmed off right away, you must do this manually after the UNNUMBER command completes. An easy way to do so is to place the line command TR/ in the line-command area of line 1.

If you want trailing blanks at the end of each line to be trimmed off, but you can wait until your file is written, you can use the Profile option PRESERVE OFF. Consult this command for more information. 

If you use this approach, be aware that the trimming action performed by PRESERVE OFF occurs when the file is saved or when END is processed, but during a SAVE operation when you continue editing the file, any existing trailing blanks are not removed from the then-current edit session. If you need these trailing blanks removed immediately, you should the TR/ line command.

See Working with Sequence Numbering for more information.

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