The command line operands for SPFLite include an -FILEOPEN operand. This allows you to point at a file containing a list of filenames which you wish to be opened immediately upon startup.  The list can contain files to be opened in individual tabs as well as lists of files which are to be opened in a MEdit session (Multi-File Edit)

This section describes the syntax and format of that file.  Basically, the whole file is treated as one single logical line. But creating or editing long lists of files in one single line is impractical. So the file can be entered in as many multiple lines as you like.

But keep in mind, these multiple lines will be 'flowed' together into 1 line before being processed. One result - NO COMMENTS!

The FILEOPEN file also interacts with the normal SPFLite Most Recent Files list (MRF). The MRF list is created when SPFLite is terminated while Edit tabs are open, and is designed to re-open those files again on the next startup.

With the introduction -FILEOPEN, we have to specify how the FILEOPEN file-list and the MRF file-list are to be handled together.

Syntax for that FILEOPEN single logical line is basically a list of filenames, separated by commas.

Interaction Between FILEOPEN and the MRF List

The FILEOPEN data is handled in one of three ways:

    • If a comma is added before the list of files, it requests the FILEOPEN be appended to the MRF list.
    • If a comma is added after the list of files, it requests the reverse, the MRF list be appended to the FILEOPEN.
    • If no leading or trailing comma, it reqests the FILEOPEN replace the MRF list.

Simple Open a File in a separate tab

The File Entry is just the full filename including Path (quotes are not needed)

If multiple filenames, separate them using a comma.

The file will be opened in Edit, If you wish, the name can be prefixed with (V) or (B) to request it be opened in View or Browse. (E) for Edit is also available but is assumed.

Open Multiple Files in a MEdit session

To request a MEdit session the normal simple filename can itself be a list of files, separated by the "|" character. No leading (E) is required, MEdit is always considered Edit mode.



Open 2 files in separate tabs, ignore other file re-opens


Open same 2 files in a single MEdit tab, ignore other MRF file re-opens


Open the files, one in Browse, one in View, ignore other MRF file re-opens


Open 2 files AFTER any other MRF file re-opens


Open 2 files BEFORE any other MRF file re-opens


Same as tthe previous showing how it COULD be entered on multiple lines.

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