Supplied Fixed Fonts



DejaVu Sans Mono

DejaVu Sans Mono Bold


PixelCarnage Monospace




QuickType Mono


Raster and Raster15

Raster14, Raster13 and Raster12




IBMPlex Mono

MS LineDraw


SPFLite can only use fixed pitch fonts for the edit screen. Although there are many free fonts available on the Internet, most of these are proportional fonts and are thus unusable. To supplement the standard Windows fonts like Courier and Terminal, the SPFLite website download page has an optional file containing a number of fixed fonts which you may freely use in your SPFLite configuration.  

Shown below are screen shots of these fonts to help you choose. If you want to use one of them, download the SPFLiteFixedFonts.ZIP file and use the Windows Control Panel - Fonts application to install the ones you desire. Then, alter the Font settings in Options - Screen to specify the font. 

The Raster/Raster15 or slightly smaller Raster14 fonts are particularly good in that they properly show many of the control characters (LF, CR etc.) and handle underlining properly if you use HIDE mode frequently. You also have fonts Raster13 and Raster12 available, when you still want a Raster font but screen space is at a premium.

Once you install the fonts, you can experiment with them within SPFLite by using Options - Screen to select a font. When you close the Options Dialog SPFLite will redisplay the screen in the selected font.  

When you click on the Choose button, you will see a Windows Font selection dialog, like this:

SPFLite causes only fixed-width fonts to appear in the font list.

At present, SPFLite only supports the Regular font style. If you pick one of the Italic or Bold styles, the selection will not work, and you will still get the Regular version of the font.

Note: If you are aware of other fixed-width fonts in the public domain that might be useful, let us know on the SPFLite user forums, including a link to where we can download and review the font. If it's a good one, we'll consider adding it to our list of supplied fonts, so everyone can benefit.





DejaVu Sans Mono

DejaVo Sans Mono Bold


PixelCarnage Monospace
















QuickType Mono

Due to an issue with the QuickType Mono font, you may not see the font listed when you click on the Choose button on the Options - Screen display. You can still use this font, by manually typing in the name QuickType Mono as the Font Name, and enter a Font Pitch as a decimal number. A font pitch of 10, 11 or 12 may be a good place to start for the font size.








Raster and Raster15

These two fonts are identical, differing only in font name. Both are 15 pixels high by 9 pixels wide.




Raster14, Raster13 and Raster12

This is the same font as Raster/Raster15 but are shorter vertically (by eliminating white-space pixel rows) to allow a few more lines per screen. 


RasterTTF is the Raster font converted to TrueType format. RasterTTF has the same character set as Raster, but is intended primarily for printing files. RasterTTF has the advantage of being scalable, while Raster and Raster14 are crisper fonts for the screen. To print a mainframe-style "listing" file as 66 lines x 132 columns, you can use RasterTTF 11 Pitch, 0.5 top margin, 0.4 bottom margin, in landscape mode; there will still be room for a header and footer on the page. The sample below is RasterTTF in 16 pitch.

At present, this font is in Beta Mode as it does not appear to fully render on non-XP systems. The problem is only with a few special characters and a corrected font will be issued when the problem is resolved.


You are free to use this font, but don't ask us to pronounce it !







MS LineDraw



Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Effortlessly Edit and Export Markdown Documents