

PLL[n] / PLL

PLL is the block form of this command.



A number that tells the editor the minimum desired length of each line in the range. Shorter lines will be lengthened (by adding spaces). Longer lines will be untouched. If n is not specified, a value of 1 is assumed.



The PL command is used to force one or more lines to have an explicit minimum length. Its sole purpose is to selectively add trailing blanks; no other data changes take place. If a line is already  equal or longer than the number specified, it is untouched.

The Pad to Length line command PL will accept a special modifier of / or \. When used in this way, a command of PL/ will pad all following lines to a minimum length of 1; PL\will do the same to preceding lines. 

Placing PL/ on line 1 of a file can be used to ensure that all lines in the file have a minimum line length of 1. That is, it is a quick way to ensure there are no zero-length lines in the file.

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