


TBB is the block form of this command.


The number of permanent blank lines to be inserted between the broken lines. If you do not type a number, or if the number that you type is 1, the editor inserts only one permanent blank line.

The n value may be specified as 0 to request that no lines be inserted between the broken lines.


Text Break will break one or more lines; each line is broken into two pieces based on where the cursor is positioned when the command is issued. This is similar to Text Split. Text Break will insert permanent, rather than temporary, blank lines. This means that any non-blank MASK line that might be defined will not be used.

To break one line:

    1. Type TB in the line command area of the line you would like to be broken. If you want to insert more than one permanent blank line between the broken lines, type a number greater than 1 immediately after the TB command.

If you do not want any lines inserted between the broken lines, enter this command as TB0.

Note: When the command TB0 is mapped to a key, it acts similar to how the Enter key does in a text editor like Notepad, by breaking apart a line at the point the key is pressed.

    1. Move the cursor to the desired break point.
    2. Press Enter
    3. The line is broken at the cursor location and the requested number of permanent blank insert lines are added.

To break a block of lines:

    1. Type TBB in the line command area of the first line you would like to be broken. If you want to insert more than one permanent blank line between the broken lines, type a number greater than 1 immediately after the TBB command.

If you do not want any lines inserted between the broken lines, enter this command as TBB0.

Type TBB in the line command area of the last line you would like to be broken. As usual, an n value need be specified on only one end of the the block, but if you specify it on both ends, the values must agree.

    1. Move the cursor to the desired break point. Because the block form TBB will break each line in the block, you may put the cursor on any line within the TBB block, including excluded-line placeholders within the block.
    2. Press Enter
    3. Each line in the block is broken at the same cursor location and the requested number of permanent blank insert lines are added in between every pair of lines that are broken by TBB.

For ease of breaking an individual line, you may wish to map the TB command to a command key using KEYMAP

To rejoin lines, use the TF (Text Flow) line command or the TM (Text Margin) line command. 

See Word Processing Support for more information on all SPFLite word processing support, and for an Application Note on splitting lines based on a search string.

The Join line commands J/JJ and TJ/TJJ, and the Glue line commands G/GG and TG/TGG can also be used to join lines together.

To insert temporary blank lines rather than permanent blank lines, see TS - Text-Split a line.

See also the SPLIT - Split Lines Using Find/Change Strings primary command for more information.

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