


TLL is the block form of this command.



A number that tells the editor the desired fixed length for each line in the range. 



The TL command is used to force one or more lines to have an explicit fixed length. This action may involve deletion of non-blank data characters from the right-hand side of selected lines.

n is a fixed line size. It may be any non-zero value.

When the TL command imposes a fixed line length on one or more lines, it does this by truncating the right-hand side of all lines longer than n characters so that only n characters are left, as if the Erase EOF primitive keyboard operation were applied at cursor position n+1. Lines shorter than n characters are padded on the right with sufficient blanks to extend the line length to n characters.

If omitted on the command, n defaults to the length of the longest line of any line in the block. So for example, if lines 1 to 3 had line lengths of 5, 15 and 10, respectively, and TLL were placed on lines 1 and 3, all 3 lines would be given a length of 15.

This also means that a single TL command with no n value will effectively do nothing.

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