

[ search-string ]

[ start-column [ end-column ] ]



[ C ] [ Q ] [ T ]

[ line-control-range ]

[ U | NU ]

[ color-selection-ccriteria ]

[ TOP ]



The search string that identifies the lines to be excluded


Left column of a range (with end-column) within which the search-string value must be found. If no end-column operand, then the search-string operand must be found starting in start-col.


Right column of a range (with end-column) within which the search-string value must be found.


Starts at the top of the data and searches ahead to find the first occurrence of search-string.


Starts at the bottom of the data and searches backward to find the last occurrence of search-string.


Starts at the first position after the current cursor location and searches ahead to find the next occurrence of search-string. NEXT is the default.


Starts at the current cursor location and searches backward to find the previous occurrence of search-string.




C         - Locate the search string within a defined Comment string.

Q        - Locate the search string within a defined Quoted literal string.

T        - Locate the search string within plain text (i.e. Not in a Comment or Quoted string.

You may enter more than 1 of C Q or T to customize the selection. They are tested in an OR relationship.

These operands require a valid Profile with Colorization active.


Starts at the top of the data and searches ahead to find all occurrences of search-string.


Locates search-string at the beginning of a word.


Locates search-string when it is delimited on both sides by blanks or other non-alphanumeric characters.


Locates serch-string regardless of what precedes or follows it.


Locates search-string at the end of a word.


The range of lines which are to be processed by the command. Line control ranges provide a powerful tool to customize the range of lines to be processed. The full syntax and allowable operands which make up a line control range are discussed in "Line Control Range Specification". Refer to that section of the documentation for details.

U | NU

Specifies a subset of the line range to be processed. U requests only User lines are to be processed, NU requests only non-User lines are to be processed. If neither U or NU are specified, all lines in the range will be processed.


A request for selection based on the highlight color of the search-string. Color requests provide another powerful tool to control search selection. The full syntax and allowable operands which make up a color-selection-criteria  are discussed in "Color Selection Criteria Specification". Refer to that section of the documentation for details.


Normally, at the completion of the command, the first, or only, line processed is highlighted (if it is on the current screen) or the screen is scrolled to the 2nd screen line (as ISPF does) if the line is not on the current screen. If TOP is coded, then the line is always positioned as the top line of the screen, regardless of its current location.


Abbreviations and Aliases

EXCLUDE can also be spelled as X, EX, EXC, or EXCLUDED

PREFIX can also be spelled as PRE or PFX

SUFFIX can also be spelled as SUF or SFX

WORDS can also be spelled as WORD

CHARS can also be spelled as CHAR



You can use the EXCLUDE command to find a search string, and exclude (conceal) the lines that contains the string from the display. Note that the normal selection options of X and NX are not allowed, since EXCLUDE operates only on non-excluded lines. See "Working with Excluded Lines" for more information.xx

To exclude the next non-excluded line that contains the letters ELSE without specifying any other qualifications:

On the Command line, type:  


Press Enter. Since no other qualifications were specified, the letters ELSE can be:  

      • Uppercase or a mixture of uppercase and lowercase.
      • At the beginning of a word (prefix), the end of a word (suffix), or the entire word (word)
      • Anywhere within the current boundaries.

To exclude the next line that contains the letters ELSE, but only if the letters are uppercase:


On the Command line, type:


and press Enter. 

This type of exclusion is called a character string exclusion (note the C that precedes the search string) because it excludes the next line that contains the letters ELSE only if the letters are found in uppercase. However, since no other qualifications were specified, the exclusion occurs no matter where the letters are found on a non-excluded line, as outlined in the previous list.


Note:  EXCLUDE cannot be used to exclude blank lines. See NEXCLUDE for an example of how to do this. 

See Working with Excluded Lines for more information.

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