




Causes the search direction to proceed opposite of the original LOCATE command. 

If the original direction was forwards (due to a FIRST or NEXT operand, or by an implied NEXT operand) RLOCFIND REVERSE will search backwards. 

If the original direction was backwards (due to a LAST or PREV operand) RLOCFIND REVERSE will search forwards . 


RLOCFIND is a hybrid combination of the RLOC and RFIND commands. Since the RLOC and RFIND commands are typically assigned to a defined keyboard key, the RLOCFIND allows a single key to serve the function of separate RLOC and RFIND keys. RLOCFIND is an extension to ISPF, which does not have this command.

It performs this by repeating the most previous FIND or LOCATE command issued. If the most recent command issued was a FIND/RFIND, then RLOCFIND acts like an RFIND command. If the most recent command issued was a LOCATE/RLOC, then RLOCFIND acts like an RLOC command.

As with RFIND and RLOC commands, the RLOCFIND command will normally be directly assigned to a defined keyboard key, although you can issue it directly from the command line.

You may find it convenient to map RLOCFIND to F5 and RLOCFIND REVERSE to F5 with a modifier key, such as Shift-F5, though any desired keys may be chosen.

The intent of the REVERSE option is to allow you to start a LOCATE or FIND operation in one direction, and then "change your mind" and search in the opposite direction, say, in case you passed up a line of interest and now you wish to 'go back' and find it again.

RLOCFIND will repeat the "finding action" requested by the most recent DELETE, SPLIT or JOIN primary command.

See Working with SPLIT and JOIN Commands for more information.

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