




This indicates that you would like all files controlled by this Profile to be processed by STATE.


This indicates that no files controlled by this Profile are to be handled by STATE.


This is similar to STATE ON. If you take no specific action for a specific file, then it acts just like STATE ON, all files will be processed by STATE. However it supports allowing you can exempt specific files, see STATE DELETE below.


This is similar to STATE OFF. If you take no specific action for a specific file, then it acts just like STATE OFF, all files will not be processed by STATE. However you can exempt specific files, see STATE CREATE below.


This command would be issued while editing a specific file and STATE MOST has been set. In fact, it will be rejected if these conditions are not met. Since STATE MOST, by default, will have created active STATE data for this file, the STATE DELETE will remove this active data and setup an indicator so that no future STATE processing for this file will occur.


This command would be issued while editing a specific file and STATE FEW has been set. In fact, it will be rejected if these conditions are not met. Since STATE FEW, by default, will not have created any active STATE data for this file, the STATE CREATE will cause this active data to be created the next time the file is saved, and will setup an indicator so that STATE processing will continue for this file in future edits.


This command will create or update the STATE information for the current file. This will be done immediately and will be done regardless of the current setting of STATE (ON, OFF, etc.)


Display the current status of the setting.

Note:        The keyword STATS is provided to mimic the ISPF verb, as STATE ON/OFF is also te controlling setting as to whether File Manager displays the line count value for a file.


SPFLite can optionally maintain the status of an edit session for a file so that you can save the file, exit SPFLite and at a later time restart the edit and it will resume where you left off. STATE saves all line labels, tags, exclude line status and current scroll position.

STATE processing supports multiple levels of state saving for a profile,  from creating STATE information for all files under a Profile, through to not creating STATE information for any files under the profile. You choose the level that best suits the majority of the files needs. 

Details of these levels, and how STATE operates can be reviewed in Saving the Edit STATE

The value is stored as part of the PROFILE options which are maintained individually by file type.

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