

  [ string | OFF | ? ]



The string operand is optional. It may be specified like a FIND string, which can be either plain text or a quoted string if it contains embedded blanks or special characters.


Nullifies the value


Display the current status of the setting.


The SUBARG command is used to set an optional argument for use by the SUBMIT command which is 'tied' to the Profile for a specific file type. It becomes available via the ~z or ^z variables and can thus be passed to the command file processing the SUBMIT.

To nullify the value, use the keyword OFF rather than "" (a zero-length string). Thus, OFF (in any upper or lower-case spelling) is reserved. Any other SUBARG value may be set, and is accepted as-is (the value is not upper-cased). Note that if you actually wish to use OFF and ON as values, that is possible, except that OFF will always appear in upper case, while an ON value, if  used, appears just as you enter it on the SUBARG command. It is not possible to define the ~Z code as an empty string. The value OFF is handled the way it is to make checking for it easier in batch scripts.

What would the SUBARG ~Z value be used for?  The submit edit file's extension is available from the ~X code, so that can be used to tailor a submit script based on file type. Suppose a group of related files had some common requirement; then, the file type alone might not be enough to make the required distinction. Or, perhaps files are being submitted that do not have a file extension. The SUBARG value provides a means to tailor the submit process in these special circumstances.

When SUBARG is issued without an operand, the current state of the SUBARG feature (either the string or OFF) is displayed.

See SUBMIT - Pass Lines to an External Command File and Working with the SUBMIT Command for more information.

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