Next to each line entry in the File Manager display is an underlined area where you may enter commands to be performed against the line entry. The command entry area is a scrollable field, so there is no restriction on the full length of any command entered. In addition, the width of the FIle Manager line command field can be adjusted, by setting a column width for it on the File Manager Global Options dialog. However, most FM line commands may be entered as simple single character values. 

Lines with names ending in \ backslash are directories, where ..\ means the “parent” directory, using the common notation for this. Directories can be selected by a mouse left-click or with the line command S, which will cause the File Manager list to be refreshed with the contents of the selected folder. If you select multiple directories at once, only the last (lowest on the screen) will be used. Only a limited number of commands can be used on directories.

Many File Manager line command fields are much longer than the 1-character codes used in prior versions. This allows commands like ADD, RENAME and W to take an operand field, and it also allows for future enhancements to the File Manager. 

If you enter a line command that takes an operand, the line command field will scroll left and right to accommodate as large of an operand (like a file name) as you need.

Multiple Line Selection

You may select multiple lines in File Manager much as you select multiple lines in a normal Edit screen. All the commands ca be used in block mode by simply repeating their last character. For example (A, B, C) would be (AA,BB,CC). Longer commands like (ADD, DEL) would be (ADDD,DELL). You can then select multiple lines by using the paired block mode technique (MM / MM,  DELL/DELL, etc) on the first and last lines of a range, or by adding a numeric count to the command.  e.g. D4 would request a Delete on this line, and the next 3 lines.

You may also use the line command modifiers \ and / on a command.  The / (forward slash) requests the command be repeated from the selected line to the bottom of the list.  The \ (backward slash) requests a repeat from the selected line to the top of the file.

Note: To support users with other national keyboards where / and \ may be awkward to type, the following equivalents may be used.

       .        (period) to replace /

       ,        (comma) to replace \

       ..        (2 periods) to replace \

The following line commands are available:


If a Profile override operand alone is provided as a line command, it will be taken as a request for an Edit of the file using the specified Profile override. i.e. it is a shortcut for entering EDIT .Profile-name


If an IMacro override operand alone is provided as a line command, it will be taken as a request for an Edit of the file using the specified IMacro  override. i.e. it is a shortcut for entering EDIT %IMacro-Name


If an XMacro override operand alone is provided as a line command, it will be taken as a request for an Edit of the file using the specified XMacro  override. i.e. it is a shortcut for entering EDIT /XMacro-Name

A | AA        [ file-list-name ]


Add to favorites. If an optional file-list-name is provided, the name of the file is added to the specified Named Favorites File List; otherwise it is added to the default (unnamed) Favorite Files File List. You cannot add directories or other File List names to a File List. 

No harm is done if you attempt to add a file to a Favorite File List if it's already there. It just "confirms" that the file name has been added.

A given file can be recorded in as many different File Lists as you wish. To avoid creating a confusing situation, it is usually best to limit the number of File Lists a given file is recorded in.

There is also available an AUTOFAV facility where files can be automatically added to Favorite lists. See "Using AUTOFAV to create FILISTs".

ALL command

The ALL line command can only be applied to a File List. command is a selected FIle Manager line command. SPFLite reads the File List to determine a list of files, and it applies command to each file. See discussion below for more information.

B | BB             [ .Profile-name ]



Browse the file. In Browse mode, NO changes can be made to a file whatsoever. Browsing a File List is permitted. See the E command below for more information. Note that you can use ALL B to Browse all the files listed in a FIle List.

If the Profile override operand is provided, the Browse will be started using the provided Profile name rather than the one implied by the file's extension.




The Backup command will create a new Backup file for the selected File line.  See "Working with BACKUP & RESTORE" for details of Backup file support.

Entering BACKUP ? requests a display of the current number of available backups for this file



The CANCEL command is only allowed to be used on files displayed by the Open Files display. It executes a CANCEL command for the specified file and returns to the File Manager Display

C | CC 

Mark line(s) for use by an FM Primary command, like CUT

D | DD                [U]



Delete a file or directory. File deletion is protected by two features in SPFLite. The first is the File Manager Options checkbox Confirm File Deletes. If checked, a popup message will ask for confirmation before the file deletion is dealt with.

The second is the General Options checkbox Delete to Recycle Bin. This option controls the kind of deletion that occurs. If checked, a popup message will ask for confirmation before the file is Recycled   If unchecked, a popup message will ask for confirmation before the file is Permanently Deleted. 

You MAY override the normal Recycle Bin choice by adding the optional operand U (unconditional) which will force the delete to be a Permanent Delete.

Where SPFLite can detect it, the Delete command will also remove deleted file names from File Lists in a manner comparable to the Forget line command. If a Delete or Forget command causes all names to be removed from a File List, the File List itself will be deleted. If you delete a file which is named elsewhere in another File List, it will be removed from that File List the next time that File List is opened (unless the file name is "guarded").

Deleting a File List is permitted. 

A directory can be deleted with the D line command, but only if it is empty.

If the DELETE command is issued against a file displayed under the Open Files display, it will execute a CANCEL DELETE command for the specified file and return to the File Manager Display



These two commands allow you to select two files and request a DIFF process be started with these files as the default selection.


The DIR command will switch the File Manager display to the folder containing the filename of this line using a File Pattern of *.*

E | EE           [ .Profile-name ]



Edit the file. Clicking on a file name is the same as entering the E or S line command, and causes the file to be edited.

When E is used on a File List, SPFLite brings up an Edit session on the File List file. A File List file is an ordinary text file managed by SPFLite, with one fully-qualified file name per line. You may add, change or delete lines in this file. Since these names are supposed to represent valid file names, you should edit this file carefully. 

File names in a File List which are Guarded will be shown preceded by a | character.

One reason to edit a File List is to add wildcard file name entries with ? and * codes; another reason may be to import a large number of file names into a File List from an outside text file. Because the Recent Files File List is automatically maintained by SPFLite, editing it is not recommended. A directory cannot be edited.

Note that you can use ALL E to Edit all the files listed in a FIle List.

If the Profile override operand is provided, the Edit will be started using the provided Profile name rather than the one implied by the file's extension.

If you click on a file name to invoke the Edit function, you can enter the .Profile-name by itself on the FM line command area, then click on the file name, without having to use the E or EDIT command.


The END command is only allowed to be used on files displayed by the Open Files display. It executes an END command for the specified file and returns to the File Manager Display

EX | EXX       command-name


This allows you to invoke a system command (program, BAT file etc) against the filename of the FM line. The system CURDIR will be switched to the folder containing the fle before the command is executed. This of course will only work if the command invoked takes a single filename as its command line operand.   e.g.  EX NOTEPAD would open the file in the normal NOTEPAD utility.

F | FF


Forget the file. Applies only to entries created by a File List. The Forget operation removes the file from the File List. Forgetting a file only removes it from a File List; it does not delete the file. 



This will bring up the normal System File Properties dialog for the selected file.

J | JJ




Job Submit. The file is “submitted” using existing user-defined SUBMIT configuration settings as specified on the Options – Submit screen. The SUBARG value, if any, defined for the file type of this file, will be properly defined as set up in the file type's PROFILE information. The action of the J command is the same as if the file were opened in an Edit session, and then the SUBMIT command were issued with no arguments.

There is no direct way to debug a job submitted in File Manager with the J command; there is no equivalent of the DEBUG operand used by the SUBMIT command. If you need to debug a job submission using the J command, the easiest way to do this is to specify a batch file name as the Submit Prototype command. In your batch file, you could issue a PAUSE command to see any output produced, or take other debugging actions.

CL | CLL   [ .Profile-name ]


Clone the file. Cloning a file provides a convenient way to create a copy of a file for editing. You will be prompted for a new filename for the cloned file. An optional Profile name may be entered if you wish to open the cloned file with a non-standard Profile name.

A directory cannot be cloned with the CL line command, but you can accomplish essentially the same thing by using the MAKELIST command on a directory. See MAKELIST - Create FILELIST for more information.

L | LL               [U]



Lines - create or update the STATE information which is used to provide the information shown in the LINES column of the File Manager display. This command will update that information without requiring a full opening of the file.

Note: If the current FM data collected already contains a value for the LINES column, it will not process the file again to obtain a 'fresh' value for LINES. If you wish, add the optional U operand (Unconditional) to force a full refresh of the value.

Note: The Profile for the selected file's file-type must have the profile option of STATE ON set. If not an error message will result.

M | MM


Multi-Edit. This is the ability to perform a multi-edit session. A multi-edit session exists when you edit multiple files, at the same time, in the same edit tab. You begin a multi-edit session by selecting one or (usually) more files from a directory or File List display using the M line command. You can scroll up and down in the list to find all the files you want to place M codes on, but don't press Enter until you have chosen all of them. Once you have decided upon the files to be multi-edited, press Enter. An edit session will appear with “(M-Edit)” as the label for the tab. Each file will be preceded by a ‘marker line' with =FILE> in the sequence area and the file's name next to it. When you SAVE or END a multi-edit session, every file in the session will be saved at the same time. See Working with Multi-Edit Sessions for more information.

Note:  you can use ALL M to start a Multi-Edit session using all the files listed in a FIle List.

N | NN


Normalize will review the contents of an FLIST and remove entries that no longer point at real files or folders.


O | OO





Open a file in a new SPFLite instance. The OPENV / OV and OPENB / OB variations can be used to open the new session in View or Browse mode, instead of the normal Edit mode if desired.

P | PP


Print the file. The file is immediately sent to the printer using the currently configured printer settings, as defined by the PRINT SETUP command. Note that the listing is produced unnumbered (the default), because since you cannot enter the NUM operand that is available with a PRINT primary command.

Files printed via this method are always printed in non-color mode. To print in full colorize mode, you must issue a PRINT command from a normal Edit/Browse tab.

R | RR                [ newfilename ]



Rename a file or directory. You may specify the new filename directly as an operand to Rename; if omitted, you will be prompted for the new name.

When you rename a file, if it is recorded within any current File Lists, the entries within those File Lists will also be renamed.

Renaming a File List is permitted. If you wish to save a Recent Files File List or Found Files File List once a set of files has been stored, you can rename it to some other name that ends in .FLIST. Then, the list will appear in the list of Named Favorites.

Note:  Do not confuse the File Manager line command REN with the editor primary command REN. In File Manager, REN means RENAME.

In SPFLite prior to release 8.5, the editor primary command REN was an abbreviation for the command RENAME. As of SPFLite version 8.5, the editor primary command REN is now an abbreviation for the sequence numbering command RENUM. This change was made for ISPF compatibility.





If RESTORE | RS is entered, it requests the file be Restored from this backup to it's original location.  If the original file still exists, you will be asked to confirm the overwrite of the file.

If RESTORET | RST is entered, this command  requests a time-stamped version of the file be Restored from this backup to it's original location.  This allows you to restore a copy of the file without damaging or replacing the existing version.

See "Working with BACKUP & RESTORE" for details of Backup file support.


The SAVE command is only allowed to be used on files displayed by the Open Files display. It executes a SAVE command for the specified file and returns to the File Manager display

S | SS           [ .Profile-name ]



Select the file. For data files, Select is the same as Edit. Clicking on a file name is the same as entering the E or S line command, and causes the file to be edited.

For directories and File Lists, Select will open the directory or File List and its contents will replace the currently displayed list. Thus, for a File List, Select and Edit are not the same thing, whereas for regular files, they are.

If the Profile override operand is provided, the Edit will be started using the provided Profile name rather than the one implied by the file's extension.

If you click on a file name to invoke the Select function, you can enter the .Profile-name by itself on the File manager line command area, then click on the file name, without having to use the S or SEL command.

T | TT


Touch the file. The file's timestamp is replaced by the current date and time. A Touch operation is commonly needed by users of MAKE and BUILD software. This operation is not allowed on directories and File Lists.

V | VV    [ .Profile-name ]


View the file. In View mode, changes can be made to a file but you cannot save them. Viewing a File List is permitted. See the E command above for more information. Note that you can use ALL V to View all the files listed in a FIle List.

If the Profile override operand is provided, the Browse will be started using the provided Profile name rather than the one implied by the file's extension.

W | WW  [Opt-CmdName]

If entered with no operand, the W command will open the file via Windows Shell.  i.e. Open the file using its normal default application. But what if you want to process the file with some other command of batch file.

If you provide a command name as [Opt-CmdName] it will process the file using this command. This allows you to invoke a system command (program, BAT file etc) against the filename of the FM line. 

The system CURDIR will be switched to the folder containing the fle before the command is executed. This of course will only work if the command invoked takes a single filename as its command line operand.   e.g.  W NOTEPAD would open the file in the normal NOTEPAD utility.


Open a Windows Explorer window for the folder containing this file. The selected file will be highlighted in the Explorer display.

X | XX

Exclude (X) is available for hiding files from the File Manager display. Visually this looks the same as Forget, but Excluded lines are not 'remembered' between sessions, the effect lasts only as long as the current list display is shown.

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