Contents of Article

Primary Commands UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT and LOCATE

Arrow Keys: Up, Down, Left and Right

Primary Commands TOP and BOTTOM

Mouse Wheel Scrolling

Primary Command LOCATE

Primary Commands FIND and NFIND


There are a variety of methods available for scrolling the edit window to the area of text you wish to work on.  

Primary Commands UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT and LOCATE

The first four of these commands are typically mapped to keyboard keys for easy availability. Their full syntax is available in the Primary command section (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT). UP and DOWN are typically mapped to F7 and F8 and/or PageUp and PageDn. LEFT and RIGHT are typically mapped to F10 and F11.

Although the amount to be scrolled can be provided as an operand to these commands (other than Top / Bottom), the default is visible and modifiable in the Scroll > field in the upper right of the screen, such as "HALF" shown here:

The Scroll amount can be changed by simply typing over it. You need only type the first letter of one of the symbolic scroll amounts listed below, like P, F, H, D or C; when you press Enter, the full name of the symbolic name will appear. For example, if you had HALF displayed, you could just type over the H with a P, and momentarily it would appear as PALF. When you pressed Enter, PALF will be changed into PAGE. The default Scroll amount will be used whenever one of the scroll commands is issued without an operand. The Scroll amount is saved as part of the Profile settings for each file type.

You may set the scroll amount to one of the following symbolic scroll amounts:


Scroll by the number of text lines on the screen (vertical) or the number of columns (horizontal). If the current file Profile is set to EOL AUTO or EOL AUTONL, then the scroll will be to the relative =PAGE> line of the previous/next page. 


Handled the same as PAGE but will always ignore EOL AUTO and EOL AUTONL status.


Scroll by half the number of text lines on the screen when scrolling vertically, or half the number of columns when scrolling horizontally


Scroll by the number of text lines on the screen minus one when scrolling vertically, or number of columns minus one when scrolling horizontally


Cursor scrolling. Move the line /or column containing the cursor to the edge of the screen, based on the scrolling direction.


Scroll by a fixed number of lines or columns. nnnn may be 1 to 4 digits.

Arrow Keys: Up, Down, Left and Right

By default, when the cursor reached the edge of the screen, it will wrap back to the opposite edge. Under Options - Keyboard  you may activate keyboard scrolling; instead of wrapping as described above, the screen will scroll one character or line at a time to keep the cursor in the active edit area.

Primary Commands TOP and BOTTOM

These two commands will move the visible window to the Top or Bottom of the text respectively. BOTTOM may be abbreviated as BOT.

Most users will have the PageUp key mapped to UP, and the PageDown key mapped to DOWN. If you put an M on the command line and press PageDown, the same action will take place as is performed by the BOTTOM command. The M option is short for MAX, and BOTTOM is a synonym for DOWN MAX.

Likewise, if you put an M on the command line and press PageUp, the same action will take place as is performed by the TOP command. TOP is a synonym for UP MAX.

Mouse Wheel Scrolling

If you activate this option by setting Auto-Scroll > 0  (Options - General) then the mouse wheel can be used to scroll the text vertically, or horizontally if holding the Shift key at the same time. The number of characters or lines to scroll is specified in the Options - General setting. If you hold the Ctrl key down while scrolling with the mouse wheel, scrolling is done 4 times faster; this is called Turbo Mode scrolling.

Primary Command LOCATE

The primary command Locate (LOCATE, LOC or L) can be used to quickly move the top line of the screen to another position. It supports a variety of positioning modes, from moving to a specific line number or label, or to a specific Page if in PAGE mode,  to generic searches by type of text line. Review LOCATE for specific details. The LOCATE command in SPFLite is much more powerful and flexible than in IBM ISPF. 

LOCATE can also be used for the side-effect of excluding or unexcluding a range of lines, without locating any particular line.

Primary Commands FIND and NFIND

The FIND and NFIND commands may be used to move the screen to a specified location based on the contents of the text data.  

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